Can AI Think and Plan Like Us? Unveiling the Limits of Large Language Models

2 min readMar 24, 2024
Can AI think like us?

In the world of artificial intelligence, LLMs have become a focal point of fascination due to their linguistic prowess. These models, including the likes of GPT-3 and GPT-4, have been trained on vast amounts of data, capturing a broad swath of human knowledge. However, the question arises: Can these AI models actually reason and plan?

The Illusion of AI Planning and Reasoning

Despite the advanced capabilities of LLMs, Subbarao Kambhampati’s research suggests that these models are more about approximating retrieval than actual reasoning. They excel in generating responses based on patterns they’ve learned, but this isn’t the same as understanding or strategic planning. In tests involving tasks from the International Planning Competition, including the famous Blocks World, LLMs showed limitations, unable to generate executable plans reliably.

The Myth of AI Autonomy in Reasoning

Kambhampati’s team explored whether improvements in models like GPT-4 signify true planning capabilities or just better retrieval of relevant information. By altering names in planning tasks to disrupt retrieval, they saw a drastic decline in GPT-4’s performance, underscoring its reliance on pattern recognition over genuine planning ability.

Nudging AI Towards Better Planning

The study delves into methods like fine-tuning and prompt-based guidance to see if LLMs can be coaxed into better planning performances. However, these techniques often boil down to enhancing the model’s retrieval process rather than cultivating an innate planning capability. The most effective approach seems to involve external verification, ensuring that the AI’s suggestions are viable.

The Role of AI in Supporting Human Planning

Despite their limitations, LLMs can still play a supportive role in planning and reasoning tasks. Their ability to generate ideas and sift through vast amounts of data can be instrumental when combined with human oversight or external verification systems. This collaboration highlights the potential of using AI as a tool for enhancing human decision-making, rather than replacing it.

Conclusion: A Realistic View of AI Capabilities

Kambhampati’s research paints a realistic picture of LLMs’ abilities, tempering the excitement around their reasoning and planning capabilities with a healthy dose of skepticism. While these models can assist in various tasks, their success largely depends on human interaction and oversight. Understanding the limits of LLMs is crucial for leveraging their strengths and integrating them effectively into our problem-solving processes.

This exploration reveals the nuances of AI’s capabilities and the ongoing journey to understand and harness the potential of these remarkable models. As AI continues to evolve, so too will our strategies for making the most of what these technologies can offer.

References and further reading:

  • Kambhampati, S. (2024). Can Large Language Models Reason and Plan? Annals of The New York Academy of Sciences. Link to the paper




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