A Closer Look at LLMs and Iterative Prompting: Challenges and Opportunities

2 min readApr 11, 2024


The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 has sparked significant interest in their potential to handle complex reasoning tasks. This enthusiasm stems from their sophisticated linguistic behaviors, seemingly indicative of a higher cognitive ability. However, recent studies challenge this perception, particularly in tasks that require iterative problem-solving, such as graph coloring.

Exploring the Limits of Reasoning in LLMs

LLMs, often seen as advanced n-gram models, are celebrated for their text generation capabilities. The study in question evaluates whether these models can extend their prowess to the realm of reasoning, specifically through iterative prompting — a process where the model refines its output based on feedback from its previous responses.

Detailed Methodology

The research utilizes graph coloring, a well-known NP-complete problem, as a test case to examine the self-critiquing abilities of LLMs. This involves generating random graph instances and prompting GPT-4 to both solve and verify the correctness of color assignments. Two modes of interaction were tested:

  1. Direct Mode: Where the model attempts to solve the coloring problem without prior feedback.
  2. Iterative Mode: Where the model receives feedback on its previous attempts and is prompted to improve its answer.

Findings from the Study

The results were telling. GPT-4 struggled significantly not only in solving graph coloring problems directly but also in iterative modes where it was supposed to learn from feedback. Even when external verifiers provided corrections, the model’s ability to integrate and leverage this feedback to improve its performance was minimal.

Implications of Iterative Failures

These findings suggest a critical reassessment of the purported self-improving capabilities of LLMs. The iterative prompting technique, while theoretically promising, does not appear to enhance the model’s reasoning as expected. This raises questions about the current understanding and implementation of feedback mechanisms in AI systems.

Broader Context and Related Work

The paper situates its findings within a broader discourse on AI’s reasoning capabilities, citing previous studies that have both supported and contradicted the potential of LLMs in complex reasoning scenarios. It underscores the need for a more nuanced understanding of what AI models are actually achieving when they appear to ‘understand’ or ‘reason.’

Future Directions

Given the limitations observed, the paper advocates for continued research into alternative models and methods that could more effectively embody and execute reasoning tasks. This could include integrating more robust feedback systems, exploring different model architectures, or employing hybrid approaches that combine AI with traditional computational methods.

Conclusion: A Call for Realistic Expectations

The study concludes with a call to the AI research community to temper expectations regarding the reasoning abilities of current LLMs. It emphasizes the importance of realistic benchmarks and transparent evaluation methods to truly advance our understanding of AI’s potential in complex problem-solving tasks.

Acknowledgments and References

The blog post would also include citations to relevant literature and an acknowledgment section thanking contributors and funding sources that supported the research.




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